Posts by date: 17 September 2009

When Food Is Love

Posted by Andy on Sep 17, 2009 with No Comments
in food & health, mind/body


In Food We Trust

People from around the world and all walks of life arrive at Hippocrates on their quests for better nutrition and health, and bring with them with the whole range of food- and eating-related issues.  After years and years of personal and professional contact with thousands of guests, I finally understand something: people come here not only to change what they eat, but to change their relationship with food. Not so easy, I say. It takes a good degree of soul searching and effort to make fundamental lifestyle changes, and that’s why Hippocrates provides psychological and emotional support services as a core part of the program. For one thing, we recognize that eating is not a neutral event. Nobody just ingests fuel like a robot with no feeling. No. Eating is up there as the most highly emotionally charged human activity, linked deeply with memories of family, love, comforting, good times (sometimes bad times), and comes with deeply ingrained patterns, beliefs, and habits.  In food we trust and find feelings of soothing and comfort. And abundance. I feel the love just walking through the food line at Hippocrates, dining with friends, or when I visit a local green market, or even at health food stores! I love food! Most of us do. (more…)